Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Interesting Article from Against the Grain.

The link below will bring you to a pretty good opinion piece from Against the Grain that asks the reader if AI prevention has focused on the wrong things, namely migratory birds and backyard poultry farmers. Recently, it has come to light that bird flu (or at least the strains that have caused animal-to-human transmission) actually follows trade patterns instead of migration routes, but there has yet to be renewed discussion on expanding AI prevention efforts to tackle this.


This article is pretty radical as it points the finger at:
- The formal poultry sector profiting from AI prevention measures that squeeze out local, small-scale farmers
- The formal poultry sector having enough clout with governments to avoid inspections
- Even pharmaceutical companies for receiving AI samples to create vaccines for profit

What do you think?

- Is this far-fetched? Reasonable?
- What can we do to ensure all parties involved are accountable for their actions?
Against the Grain's "Bird Flu: A Bonanza for 'Big Chicken,'"


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