Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A busy day for H5N1 outbreaks

First off, the reported outbreak in Benin has been confirmed by labs in Italy, making it the first H5N1 outbreak ever to strike Benin, though neighboring countries such as Nigeria, Niger, Togo & Burkina Faso have experienced multiple outbreaks.

Saudi Arabia is again culling poultry due to new outbreaks that started on November 12th - 14 outbreaks occurred. Germany identified H5N1 in poultry this weekend.

More info about these outbreaks at CIDRAP: http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/news/dec1707benin.html

Meanwhile Poland has confirmed it's 7th outbreak in poultry. It's interesting to note that last year H5N1 detection in Europe was more often wild birds and this year we've seen several already in farms

For more on the Poland outbreaks: http://www.reuters.com/article/africaCrisis/idUSL17640074

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